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Expert Tips to Find Your Personal Art Style

I'm honored to have been involved with renowned professionals in the creative arts and am thankful to be able to share the wisdom I have accumulated during my career.

Featuring: Production Director

Hans Bacher



Publish Date

15/03/2023, 17:02

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1. Introduction

Your style reflects your unique personality and should express who you are. However, it can be challenging to find your style, especially if you need help figuring out where to start.

I'm honoured to have been involved with renowned professionals in the creative arts and am thankful to be able to share the wisdom I have accumulated during my professional life. I will sum up with examples and book references in this blog. In this article, I'll give you some tips on how to define your art style.

If you're searching for expert tips on how to find your art style, look no further. So whether you're starting from scratch or just looking to refine your technique, these tips will help you create a look that is truly your own.

2. How To Find Your Personal Art Style?

Our style is a reflection of who you are as an artist. It's the way you carry yourself and the way you present yourself to the world. It's an extension of your personality, and it's something that should be unique to you.

Finding your style can be challenging, but it's worth the effort. Once you find your style, you feel comfortable and confident. You'll also be able to use your style to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.

You'll need to keep a few key things in mind as you search for your style. First, don't be afraid to experiment. Trying new things is one way to determine what you like and don't like. But remember:

Don't try to define or restrict yourself to a style; it can be a double edge. It's essential to remain open-minded and curious. Try different paths and explore what may be out there for you. Remain flexible, and don't limit yourself to one approach! Alice

3. Embracing Your Authenticity While Experimenting With New Styles

We often try to be someone we're not. We put on a persona that will appeal to others or help us achieve our goals. But the truth is that we will never be anyone but ourselves. And that's not a bad thing!

Authenticity is one of the most important traits you can possess. It allows you to build trust with others and create lasting relationships. When you're authentic, people can see your true self and know that you're not trying to put on a show. So embrace your authenticity! Be proud of yourself, and don't be afraid to let your true self shine through. 

Some people create and invent their own style, while others copy and readjust from the formers. It would all get you to the result. But be careful; some might applaud your efforts, while others are likely to scoff at the similarity. Alice

Every artist goes through periods of experimenting with new styles. This can be an exciting time, full of discoveries and growth. However, it can also be discouraging if you feel you need to progress more quickly than you'd like.

I've seen many artists or art directors borrow ideas from existing work but create something better with their techniques, garnering high praise from the public. It's hilarious how seemingly simple copying can lead to something unique and be dubbed "creativity". Alice

4. Incorporating Your Likings With Practice Methods

Building a brand entails more than constructing a logo and identifying a colour scheme. Choosing a name you and your team can remember is also vitally important- something that speaks to your company's values and mission. This can be a tricky task.

In this article, I will give you tips on incorporating your favourite things into your brand. Whether it's your love of animals, passion for art, or interest in travel, there are endless possibilities for making your brand reflect your interests.

4.1. Look at people you admire.

Research books about traditional art, photography and graphic novels.

Style, Color and Composition: Check out Hans Bacher's fantastic collection of work by fellow artists in the same field and his style development for MULAN here.

4.2. Find inspiration from the real world 

From live objects: If you want to learn more about the anatomy art style, look up John Watkiss. His work is an excellent example of meticulous anatomical detail in action. John worked on Disney's Tarzan, Emperors New Grove, Atlantis, Treasure Planet and Don Quixote.

From nature - plants, animals, sky, weather, or star systems: you may not realize that humans learn and copy patterns from nature. Learning from nature is something that humans have been doing for centuries, so the next time you see patterns in nature, take a moment to think about how you can incorporate them into your style.

4.3. Try drawing with your left hand.

If you're right-handed, try drawing with your left hand. This may feel strange initially, but it can help you tap into a different part of your brain.

4.4. Print out what got you inspired

Keep a personal sketchbook. While you see it daily, it would be engraved in your subconscious. It may sound cliche, but we usually just look.

Look, observe and see. Master Hayao Miyazaki provides a prime example of how looking more closely at everyday things can be incredibly inspiring. He famously uses a camera to capture his daily experiences, then watches the footage to observe stuff he may have missed. This method is compelling; his films capture intricate details and offer artistic insight into the world.

5. Letting Your Personality Shine Through

Your personality is what makes you unique. When your personality shines through, you can connect with others more easily, build trust, and stand out from the crowd. So, ask your close connections, and if they refer to you as hilarious, then start incorporating it into your art, whether storytelling or making a funny comic strip.

Of course, there is a fine line between genuine and unprofessional. So, how can you let your personality shine through without making a negative impression?

It's not uncommon to find highly talented people underselling their potential while individuals of far lesser capability feel overly confident. It is essential to maintain an honest and healthy self-assessment while avoiding overconfidence. Believing in yourself and trusting your abilities is the key to success. Alice

6. Summary and Conclusion

If you've tried the methods outlined above and are still having trouble executing your style, I can help. Reach out here

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